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Antique & Collectible
The Four Men HILAIRE BELLOC 1912 Novel of a Sussex, England Walkabout Travel DJ
1908 New Universal Price List of Sash, Doors and Blinds [distributed by Luellwitz Lumber Spokane] illustrated catalog: windows, porches, etc
Normaendenes Opdagelse af Amerika. Novellistisk fremstillet 1891 James Frederick Hodgetts - dramatic history of Norse/Vikings - Leif Erikson
Amerika ikke opdaget af Columbus 1878 Rasmus Bjorn Anderson - Case for the Norse/Viking discovery of America - Leif Erikson
Kucharka Czech/Bohemian Cookbook circa 1908 by Marie Stechove [Stechova-Breychova] -First Edition -Antique from the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Arbeiderliv: Fortaelling by Karen Sundt 1906 Norwegian Workers Movement novel ~ Rare
all Antique & Collectible
Art & Architecture
Schone Sudsteiermark by Carl Rotky Ca. 1950s essays & block prints ~ Styria, Austria
Three Centuries of Wedgwood: The Ceramic Collection of Barbara & Hensleigh Wedgwood SIGNED Hardcover in Dust Jacket 1993 Pottery Ceramics
The Louis XVI and Empire Furniture from the Estate of the late Giuseppe Rossi Vol. III 12 March 1999, London Auction Sotheby's
The Movable Book Society: A Celebration of Pop-up and Movable Books [Commemorating the 10th Anniversary] Vojtech Kubasta, Ib Penick, etc.
Domes for Tomorrow: A Sketch Book of Monolithic Concrete Domes ~ Frederick L. Crandall ~ concrete shell architecture ~ Arizona architects
Frida Kahlo: I Portray Myself 2017 Mexico City's Museo Dolores Olmedo's collection
all Art & Architecture
Autobiography/ Biography
Girl of the Oregon Wood by CLARA INGHAM Pioneer Farm Lane County McKenzie River Animals
Over the Waters to Edinburgh 1910 by JOHN MULLIN BATTEN ~ Journal of Pittsburg Doctor
Retrospects of a Newspaper Person 1931 Philip Dansken Ross ~ anecdotes of Canada's political and civic life 1880-1930
Lincoln's Constant Ally Colonel Edward D Baker Biography 1960 Civil War Senator
Figueres & Costa Rica: Political Biography of President 1975 by H.H BONILLA ~ History
Certain Brief Conclusions: Letters of Lambert Wood 1939 signed by Elizabeth Lambert Wood (Gold Star Mother) ~ World War I AEF
all Autobiography/ Biography
Children & Young Adults
Vintage YA Fiction: The Counter-Stroke in Dust Jacket 1950s by John Westerman - Uniform Sovereign Series Vol. 16
De bons amis by Jean Patrice ca. 1930 Animals Picture Book ~ Children's ~ French Language
What's the Matter with Carruthers? A Bedtime Story 1st Edition in Dust Jacket 1972 By James Marshall
Bubbles Bright for Pet's Delight ca. 1880s McLoughlin Bros. ~ Antique ~ Children
I Spend the Summer 1930 James S. Tippett & Elizabeth Tyler Wolcott ~ Children's Verse ~ Summer Vacation
Starik Godovik [skazki zagadki poslovitsy igry] 1959 Vladimir Ivanovich Dal ~ illustrated by Vladimir Konashevich ~ Russian Folk Tales
all Children & Young Adults
Crafts & Hobbies
North Redwoods Book Arts Guild: A Compendium of Guild Project Pages, Volume 3 ~ 48 Bookbinding/bookmaking & Paper Craft Projects
World of Antique Toys by Jeffrey S. Levitt + Christie's Auction Catalog ~ pictorial/reference ~tin toys, cast iron, mechanical banks, trains
Oregon Locations Known to Have Tokens 1983 by Ed Saunders ~ NTCA ~ collecting ~ collectors ~ catalog ~ numismatic
Basketry - Merit Badge Series 1938 Boy Scouts of America New York
Precious Paintings and Stamps of China [China Post Album, stamps from 1980 to 2009] Limited Collector's Edition
Postmaster Provisionals of Freudenstadt No. 1 Germany Philatelic Society 1966 Philately Stamp Collecting
all Crafts & Hobbies
Promotional Brochure for Mt. Angel College, St. Benedict, Oregon (circa 1927) Benedictine - Marion County - History
Record of Proceedings: Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star of Oregon, Portland, June 12-13-14, 1928 (Thirty-Ninth Annual Communication)
Oldsmobile Six Promotion Marshfield Oregon 1926 Coos County Model 30 Roadster
Ogden's New Century Photo Album [cigarette card album] 1901
The Miehle Vertical: A Super-press for Job Work 1920's Cylinder Printing Press Promotional Brochure Vintage Advertising
Photograph Olof Olsson (1880-1963), Southern Pacific Chief Dispatcher in Oregon
all Ephemera
First Editions
Dark Green, Bright Red by GORE VIDAL 1950 1st British Edition ~ Novel ~ Central America
The Parasites 1950 by Daphne du Maurier ~ Scarce Promotional First Edition
Trail Drive 1962 Brian Garfield ~First Edition ~Western ~Arizona Cattle Drive
Darkness From Dawn 1935 by Dote Fulton - Libertine - Macaulay _ First Edition
Mark Twin in Eruption: Hitherto Unpublished Pages about Men and Events 1940 First Edition
Angel Pavement 1930 J.B. Priestly ~ First Edition
all First Editions
Food & Beverages
Recipes of the Stars Cookbook - La Grande Oregon 1964 Eastern Star - Union County
The Winemakers of Martinez [Contra Costa County, California] 1985 James G. Carroll SIGNED ~ Wine/Vineyard/Winery History
Cooking with Yogurt 1956 Irfan Orga Cookbook Recipes Cook Book 1st Ed HC DJ Cookbook
The Student's Technology of Breadmaking and Flour Confectionery 1969 ~ Wilfred James Fance ~ Cookbook ~ Baking ~ Pastry/Pastries ~ Cake
From Fingers to Finger Bowls: A Sprightly History of California Cooking by Helen Walker Linsenmeyer 1972 Signed Edition ~ Cookbook
The "On to Oregon Cavalcade" Oregon Trail Cookbook 2004 ~ including wild game recipes ~ Independence, OR Polk County
all Food & Beverages
Anglo Expansionists & Navajo Raiders Native American Indian Relations by CLIFF TRAFZER
94th Infantry Division Association Commemorative History (2 Vols) World War II ~ Regimental History ~ Veterans
The Grafters of America 1906 Detective Clifton R. Wooldridge ~ Chicago Crime, Scams, Swindlers & Fraud ~ Criminology ~ History
Something Better by WILLIAM PELLEY ~ Economics ~ Fascism ~ Christian Commonwealth ~ Cooperativism 1952
Early Morgan County [Kentucky] 1974 Arthur C. Johnson SIGNED - History - Genealogy
Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie: Kansas Genealogy, Family History ~Washington, Marshall, Clay, Riley, Pottawatomie, Geary, Wabaunsee County
all History
Literature & Fiction
The Iron Virgin 1951 by James M. Fox - A John and Suzy Marshall Mystery
The Briary-Bush: A Novel 1921 Floyd Dell ~ Macaulay Company ~ Romance ~ Chicago Bohemians
The Ledger by ROBERT KROETSCH circa 1979 ~ Poetry ~ Modern ~ Postmodern
Reading in Tudor England 1996 by Eugene R. Kintgen
The Vehement Flame: The Story of Stephen Escott 1948 Ludwig Lewisohn novel
Hillern's Higher than the Church ca. 1920 by Wilhelmine von Hillern ~ legend of Breisach Cathedral, Albrecht Durer ~Upper Rhine, Germany
all Literature & Fiction
Magazines & Periodicals
The Rationalist Annual - 1954 Bertrand Russell, Somerset Maugham, J.B.S. Haldane, William Elgin Swinton, Tom Hatherley Pear
The Howard Journal ~ Howard League for Penal Reform (1926-1929. Vol. 2, No. 1-4) Capital Punishment, Prisons, Prisoners, Criminal Law, etc
Domodomo: Fiji Museum Quarterly Volume IV (4), Number 1, 1986 - Journal Magazine - Suva
New Republic 4 issues 1931-1932 Dos Passos US Politics John Dewey DNC Bonus Army
Infuriated Squirrels 2002 by ALICIA JUSTUS ~ Red Star Art ~ Pacific Northwest Zine
Agenda (1969) London Literary Journal ~ Ezra Pound ~ William Stafford ~ Herbert Reed
all Magazines & Periodicals
Music & Instruments
Vintage WWII: You Can Play the Harmonica Without Notes by Paul D. Kosberg 1944 World War II Era - Easy Music Instruction
Pocket Score: Noye's Fludde (1958) The Chester Miracle Play set to music by Benjamin Britten, Op. 59
Koraalikirja: kahdennentoista yleisen kirkolliskokouksen v. 1938 hyvaksymaan virsikirjaan Finnish Hymnal Hardcover in Dust Jacket 1956
Four Songs of Chivalry WILLIAM MORRIS 1915 Poems Set to Music by English Composer Julius Harrison ~ Sheet Music
George Harrison - Living in the Material World 1973 Songbook
Amazon Baby - Songs for Women 1977 by Chris Carol - Feminist Folk Music - Portland, Oregon
all Music & Instruments
Other Non-Fiction
Forever the Farm 1939 Marion Nicholl Rawson ~ First Edition ~Early American Farming Life & Customs, Farm Buildings and Implements ~ History
Baroque Self-Invention and Historical Truth: Hercules at the Crossroads 2004 Christopher Braider ~study of Hercules myth in Baroque Period
How to Measure and Diagnose the Functions of Meridians and Corresponding Internal Organs by Hiroshi Motoyama - Traditional Chinese Medicine
After 40 -- What? 1935 Bernarr Macfadden ~ a rare copy
The Day the Country Mouse Expired 1964 by Stephen Rose - Urban Studies, Renewal - Cities - Christian Missions
Pacific Rockets: Journal of the Pacific Rocket Society [5 issues, 1947-1949] California amateur rocketry ~ Mojave Desert test site
all Other Non-Fiction
Outdoors & Nature
Some Muridae of the Indo-Australian Region by G.H.H. Tate Hardcover Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 1936
Life and Sport on the Pacific Slope 1901 Horace Annesley Vachell ~ Observation of California & Californians in 1880s/1890s ~ Hunting Fishing
Outing: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Sport, Travel and Recreation. Vol. XXIII 1893-1894 ~ Football
La Montagne Revue Mensuelle du Club Alpin Francais Volume XXIV 1928 (Numbers 208 - 215) Lot of 8 Issues
The Business of Farming: A Manual of Farm Methods for Oklahoma 1924 Clarence Roberts ~ Scarce Pre-Dust Bowl ~ Crops/Livestock
Polar Exploration 1947 Andrew Croft ~ William H. Littlewood's copy (Operation Deep Freeze) ~ Arctic & Antarctic expeditions history
all Outdoors & Nature
IOOF 1912 Grand Lodge of British Columbia ~ Proceedings of Thirty-Eighth Annual Session ~ Odd Fellows ~ Kamloops Tranquille Sanatorium
Albany & Linn County Telephone Directory 1943 Jefferson Scio Halsey Shedd Oregon
Albany & Linn County Telephone Directory 1942 Brownsville Jefferson Scio Halsey Oregon
Grant High School [Portland, Oregon] Yearbook June 1934 Memoirs [Beverly Cleary]
Oregon Agricultural College Alumni Directory, June 1913 - Corvallis, Oregon ~ (Oregon State College/University)
Loompanics 1991 Main Catalog
all Reference
Religion & Spirituality
Healing at Lourdes 1933 Dr. Gustave Boissarie, Medical Authentication Bureau ~History ~Case Studies Miracles/Miraculous Healing ~Emile Zola
Beyond: A Study of The Doctrine of the Intermediate State after death WILLIAM R. POWELL 1918 Christian ~Soteriology ~Repentance ~Purgatory
Sobornost ~Eastern Orthodox Church Journal (8 issues) theology, history, praxis, iconography, ecclesiology, monasticism, etc.
Geschichtsimpulse des Rosenkreuzertums by Karl Heyer - Anthroposophy - Rudolf Steiner - Rosicrucian - Esoteric - Occult
Stronghold of Truth 1915 by WILLIAM H GRIFFITH THOMAS ~ Bible Study Lectures ~ Biola ~ Montrose Bible Conference
Ekichweka ky'okubanza: Empoya Ezihya 1937 Rare German East Africa Christian Missionary Haya Language Hymn Book ~ Deutsch-Ostafrika ~ Bantu
all Religion & Spirituality
Signed Editions
Wind Child by Shirley Rousseau MURPHY & The DILLONS SIGNED ~ First Edition 1999
Selected Lyrics and Sonnets SIGNED 1970 Aloysius Michael Sullivan ~ Poetry
Transcendency SIGNED 1982 Gerald W. Stutsman ~ New Thought
CCCLXXIV Poems [First Will & Testament, The Dark Kingdom, Cloth of the Tempest] 1948 Kenneth Patchen SIGNED/ Numbered
The Death of a God and Other Stories 1949 Osbert Sitwell SIGNED Association Copy
Earth Comes: Design for Materialization 1939 William Dudley Pelley SIGNED
all Signed Editions
Sports & Games
Angling for Every Man in Dust Jacket Ca. 1950 by J.M Michaelson - Foyles Handbooks - Sea Fishing - Coarse Fishing - British
Sparks From Home Fires SIGNED Anne Shannon Monroe 1940 Lake Oswego Oregon
The Book for Referees: Complete Guide to Basketball Officials' Camps in America & Who's Who Among Basketball Officials Hardcover 1990
Cricket 1956 Trevor Bailey SIGNED ~ English 1950s Players & technique ~ manual
Schwinn 1971 Owner's Manual - Lightweight Bicycles Five-Speed and Ten-Speed Models 5-speed, 10-speed
The History of Oregon Boys Basketball [Hight School] 2016 Tom Rohlffs SIGNED ~ Statistics & History
all Sports & Games
Travel & Tourism
Under the Rays of the Aurora Borealis: In the Land of the Lapps and Kvaens Vol. II 1885 Sophus Tromholt ~ Lapland ~ Sami, Kven ~Scandinavia
Vintage Photo Souvenir: Milano - Duomo e Citta Italy Ca. 1920 City of Milan and Cathedral
Among French Folk: Book for Vagabonds 1922 William Branch Johnson ~ Travel in France 1920s ~ First Edition
Rambles in Australia 1916 by Edwin Sharpe Grew - Travel - Travelogue - Sydney - Melbourne - Victoria - Adelaide
The Adventures of Stickeen in Lower California 1874 ~ Baja Peninsula History ~ travel narrative ~ John F. Janes, Anna Marie Hager
The Rhine: From Cologne to Mayence The Ahr, Moselle, Nahe & Lahn Ca. 1930s Vtg
all Travel & Tourism
Lincoln High School Yearbook (Annual) 1966 - Cardinal - Portland, Oregon OR - Multnomah County
Portland Christian High School [& Elementary School] 1957 Yearbook Searchlight [Oregon]
Portland Christian High School [& Elementary School] 1959 Yearbook Searchlight [Oregon]
Point Grey Junior High School [Vancouver, BC] 1951-1952 Yearbook The Explorer
The Philo Review ~ 1900 Yearbook for Cumberland Valley State Normal School at Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Tsung Tsin College 1970 yearbook [Kowloon, Hong Kong] - Protestant School - Christian College
all Yearbooks
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